and the journey begins...

and the journey begins...

Monday, January 11, 2010


So we've been here for a few days... and it's already ten times more awesome than I expected.

The weather is absolutely beautiful... it's hard to imagine a foot of snow and slush when it's 85 and breezy here. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else right now. All the missing luggage of people in my group has been delivered, we're unpacked and settled in, got a tour of the ILAC center, and even got to explore Licey (the neighborhood we live in) and the city of Santiago.

We had our first spanish mass with the community yesterday -- I followed most of it! At least, the parts I wasn't nodding off... I'm so exhausted! It was SO funny -- during the homily, a giant green lizard began crawling up the wall behind the altar... we were all secretly laughing... it kept going up and down the wall!

Sleeping has been interesting... not only do we sleep under mosquito nets (which aren't nearly as bad as I'd expected), but I cannot sleep without ear plugs... the whole center is open air - I haven't seen hardly any windows. So, we can hear everything going on in the rooms next to us, the courtyard of the ILAC center, the cars and motos driving down the gravel roads, the neighbors and their children, the seemingly millions of stray neighborhood dogs barking, and even music blasting from far off. It has definitely been an adjustment!

The food is very different, but so great! Fresh pineapple is a staple at every meal (MMM!) as are beans and rice, of course. I tend to pass over the meats, surprising as it is. But I tried pork (I think?) at lunch yesterday and it was decent... For the times I'm hungry between meals, I have scooby doo fruit snacks, and my favorite pretzels and poptarts, of course. My suitcase was 5 pounds overweight, so I got rid of some clothes, not the food! Haha.

Also, one of the big problems here is electricity... so far, the power has gone out both nights we've been here... a recurrent event here, I hear. The system has become a sort of monopoly, so it is corrupt, and on top of that, many people neglect to pay their bills. So, flashlights are a must because I've had to shower in the dark twice now! Side note: Dad, DEFINITELY a smart move to get the bigger, more durable one!

Today we had our first spanish class -- I really like our professor. He's a native and teaches at a local university and school. Should be interesting! This week we have a bunch of orientation activities... talks, visiting service sites, settling in more. Then we start classes and service sites next Monday. I hear we're going to the beach this Saturday... and the high is supposed to be 87?! The beaches we usually go to are an hour to an hour and a half away.

We've had lots of down time so far in between meals and activities... lots of group bonding, playing hearts, beginning to read school books, eating, dominoes, working out in the "tetanus gym" (of the workout machines and weights that exist, about 99% are rusty...)

That's all I can think of for now.

Thought for the day: "If you want peace, work for justice."


  1. Melissa!! loved reading this and just got your letter in the mail--thanks so much that was very sweet of you and made my day! Thinking of you always and can't wait to read more about your experiences.. post often because you will love looking back on these later on!

  2. Thanks, Lis! I love you and miss you lots! I'll try to update as much as I can, but I'm also keeping a journal/scrapbook, too! Hope all is well at the lovely ND :)
